Sorry for the Hiatus…

Hey All!

I know its been a while since I’ve posted, but believe me the past few weeks have been so incredibly hectic!

(cue the loooonnnggg sigh of relief)

So, because I know that you all have been missing me dearly, I will tell you in categories what has been going on with my life.

Here goes everything…

Work Life: My cubicle is no more, I stopped work about two weeks ago, so that I could focus on packing and getting ready to move for medical school. I think the happiest I’ve been was when I wasn’t stuck in those 3 walls calling people. Sigh, I’m thankful that I had an opportunity to work, but I will definitely not miss it.

Social Life: A few days before I was to officially leave AU, Antoinette took me out to eat! We went to a local joint that we all affectionately called Niffers. They have the best burgers and we decided to be really southern and order some corn nuggets for starters. (Don’t knock it till you try it!) Check out the yummy images below:

The honey mustard dipping sauce was EVERYTHING!
I got a burger called the Gus Bus! (Ten gold stars if you know who this burger is named after!)

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After my farewell dinner, we went back to Antoinette’s place to chill for a few minutes. Plus I got to see my nephew, Lotto!

My nephew is the cutest thing ever! He gets his good looks from me 😉

After Lotto’s walk we left the house and went over to a friend’s place. He so kindly donated me some moving boxes and we ended up talking about post-grad life for about two hours. Antoinette even got some doodle time in…Don’t ask me what the doodles are about because I would have to lie and act like I know what they are. And, you see, I just can’t do that.

IMG_3922 IMG_3920Moving Life: After days of packing and throwing stuff away, I had officially tore my apartment apart and I was ready to make the big move. I decided to move a week before Orientation, so that I could have time to unpack and get used to driving around my new environment. Here’s the packing damage:

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Believe me, it was a lot worse in person. My oh so fabulous boyfriend, Justin, helped me move. We rented a U-haul truck and then proceeded to drive to Auburn to pack up my old apartment, while towing my car behind us. When we finally reached our destination that afternoon, we were both beyond tired, but him even more so, because he drove over 200 miles that day alone.I definitely couldn’t have done this without him, and I realized on this trip that he really is a blessing. He knows how to calm me down when things don’t go as I have planned and remind me how blessed I am to even be accepted to medical school. So here’s a little sap moment for my best friend, biggest supporter, and the best boyfriend ever!


Med Life: Now for the real news…I start medical school in one day! You heard me, ONE DAY! When Monday, July 27th comes I will be up bright and early to trudge through the horrible interstate traffic so that I can attend Orientation. It really hasn’t hit me quite yet, and I don’t think it will until I am standing in that lecture room with 184 other students. I honestly can’t believe that I have made it this far. I am so thankful!!! I’m looking forward to the challenges and fun times ahead. I think my class is going to be filled with incredibly talented and intelligent individuals and I am so proud to be apart of that collective group. I will definitely keep you all updated on my orientation, so be on the lookout for more blog posts!

Finally, I don’t know whether any of you are wondering where I moved too, or what medical school I am going to and I really want to release the surprise in the next blog post once I get my official ID.

If you figure out which city just let me know in the comments below!

P.S. I really missed the blog world. How are you all doing? Is life going okay? Anything special happening? I really like communicating, so feel free to let me know! 

Crepes and Thrifting

Happy July 1st everyone!

I woke up knowing that this month, in about 2 weeks, I will be moving from my college town and beginning my journey as an MS1! I am both excited and overwhelmed. I still have to start organizing, packing and cleaning to get ready for the move and so my plan after the holiday includes doing all of those things.

Anyway on to more interesting news…

Today, my best friend Antoinette and I visited a restaurant that we had never tried before. It’s a little cafe that specializes in making savory and sweet crepes. The interesting thing about this place is that it is located right up the street from where I live and I never even noticed until a few months ago. It’s called Crepe Myrtle Cafe, and it also doubles as a local farmer’s market. They sell all types of flowers and plants, as well as fresh organic produce.



Ignore my finger, it just wanted to say hello…

I loved the feel of the place and I enjoyed the clever signage pertaining to crepes. Plus the desserts all looked amazing!

My sweet tooth was begging for a fix, but I resisted…barely

We looked over the menu and we each decided to try a savory crepe since it was lunch time. I decided on the Philly Steak crepe, and Antoinette got the Fajita crepe. Yummy! IMG_3833

The aftermath of the carnage…

Both crepes turned out to be delicious and we vowed that next time, when we come back, we will try the dessert crepes (they have one with nutella in it…need I say more?!).

Right before we were about to leave we saw a chicken randomly walking around the store area and we decided to snap a picture of her.


Once our bellies were full and happy, we embarked on a journey only known to the few and the brave: THRIFT SHOPPING.

I was looking for a couple of picture frames to use for some really cool DIY artwork that I could display in my new apartment, but of course I ended up finding something else entirely. I bought some really cute black and white striped bowls and some gold rimmed plates for less than $4.00 total.

I couldn’t help it, they just spoke to me.

Antoinette got some really cute boot socks for the upcoming fall and winter season and then we found another store to hunt through. This store was a little bit too huge and we only browsed for about 20 minutes before calling it a quits.

The land of thrift!
Antoinette’s back says hey!

This thrift store was so big that it had its own lands, complete with thousands of chairs, sofas, books, desks, and mattresses. Even though we left early, I did manage to find a couple of frames for my projects and I’m really excited to show you all the finished results when I’m done (if they don’t look like trash, that is…).

All in all it was a great day! I’m off now to put in a few hours at my job and then I’m settling in with Grey’s Anatomy and ice cream tonight.

How did you spend your July 1st? Do you like thrifting? Or crepes? Let me know!Â